Mason Toye

Training Quotes | #HOUvMIN

Training Quotes | #HOUvMIN


On the depth of this roster and how it can helpful moving forward…
“The depth here is really good. We got a lot of guys who can chip in and contribute to the eleven coming off the bench and make an impact. I think it’s very important, not even for Phase I, but Phase II and III — there’s a lot of games back to back, a lot of Wednesday-to-Saturday games. Depth’s important, I think we got that so we have to prove it.”

On his energy off the bench so far this year…
“I thought I brought something different every time I came on. I think I brought the energy levels up, I don’t know if that’s by me coming in or by coincidence but my job is to bring the energy and to bring something different to the game whenever I come on. Hopefully I can do that more often and contribute more in the final third whether that’s assists or goals.”


On the mental approach of preparing each week to be in the lineup…
“It’s part of the job. You never know when you’re going to get your opportunity so you have to stay ready. That means mentally and physically, making sure you’re prepared to come in whenever that is. You might not play for two, three, four or five games but you just gotta stay prepared for whenever your opportunity comes.”

On the second half against FC Dallas and what the team needs to do to continue that energy Wednesday against Houston Dynamo…
“The second half in Dallas was better, obviously the guys that came on we brought some really good energy. It’s a tough place to play with the heat and flying in the day of, but everybody is going to be going through that so there’s no excuse there. I thought we did a pretty good job and hopefully we can just carry that over to Wednesday in Houston and not have what happened in Dallas in the first half happen again.”


On why he chose to come to Minnesota United…
[SPA] “Primero, porque vi el interés que tuvo el club, fue mucho trabajo. Después empecé a ver la ciudad, cuando vi que el club tenía mucha interés en mi entonces empecé a ver la ciudad, empecé a ver al club y me gustó mucho. Sabía que tenía que venir así por el interés que tenía el club, y metí muchas ganas yo también así que gracias a Dios que estoy acá.”

[ENG] “First, because I saw the interest from the club, it was a lot of work. Then I looked into the city, once I saw how much the club wanted me, I started looking into the city and the team itself and I liked what I saw. I knew I had to come because of that interest and I was excited to come here too and so I’m thankful to God that I’m here.”

On his thoughts on the training facilities and Allianz Field…
[SPA] “La verdad que, primer nivel. Cuando llegue, me gustó mucho. Me gustaron los vestuarios, como las del centro del entrenamiento como los del club ahí en el estadio. La verdad que es muy bueno. El césped se ve espectacular para jugar, así que muy contento por todo el previo, por el club. La verdad que mucho trabajo así que felicitarlos a toda la gente que maneja el club.”

[ENG] “Honestly, top level. When I arrived, I liked what I saw. I liked the locker rooms, both at the training center and at the stadium. Honestly, it’s really nice. The grass looks spectacular to play on, so I was happy for the preview and for the club. It looks like a lot of work went into it and I want to congratulate everyone that worked on it.”

On how he can help this team…
[SPA] “La verdad que, primero tratar de meterme con el grupo, con mis compañeros. Vengo a dar lo mejor de mí, a trabajar, a trabajar duro para conseguir muchas cosas acá con este club tan lindo. Está creciendo mucho, la liga está creciendo mucho. Vengo a dar mi mejor de mí, aportar mi granito de arena y a estar de posición del técnico y también de mis compañeros.”

[ENG] “Honestly, first to get integrated into the group and with my teammates. I’m here to give my all, to work hard so we can accomplish great things at this great club. It’s growing, just like the league is growing. I’m here to give my all, give my little grain of sand of support and be in a good position with my coach and teammates.”

On his personal goals for the season…
[SPA] “Primero, sumar muchos minutos de futbol. Acoplarme mucho con mis compañeros, conocerlos, eso es fundamental, el grupo es fundamental. Meterle, tratar de sumar y sumar y sumar. Y como te dije, meterle en el entrenamiento y cuando me toca jugar, dar lo mejor y estar de posición del equipo.” 

[ENG] “First, to play a lot of minutes of soccer. Integrate myself with my teammates; get to know them, that’s fundamental, the group is fundamental. Give and try to support and support and support. And like I said, work hard at training and when it’s my turn to play, give my all and be in the best spot with my team.”