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Training Quotes | #FCDvMIN


Head Coach Adrian Heath

On Everton’s comeback win against Crystal Palace to avoid relegation…

“My blood pressure took about an hour to get back to normal after the game. They never do it easy. We know that through the history, but fantastic day for the club. One of the biggest clubs in the world and I know people of a younger generation might not know that, but they are. The scenes after the game, I’ve been there and I know what it’s like. So pleased for everybody connected with the club. I’m pleased with this younger generation of young kids who have probably watched them for 20 years wondering why my dad and my grandad love this club so much. Yesterday was an idea of why. It was a great day for the club. Hopefully now they can sit down, reassess what’s gone on and not make the same mistakes again.”

On if he has had a chance to talk with his son Harrison Heath since the Everton Match…

“He said it was the most incredible experience he’s ever seen. Obviously, he didn’t get to see me play there, so it was a new one for him. I knew what the day was going to mean. He’s been in Europe scouting for the last month, so it was a great day for him.”

On the performance against the Galaxy…

“I thought we were outstanding. I’ve watched it back a couple of times. I thought we moved the ball better than we’ve done for a long time. Played it forward, ran forward, worked the backline. A reoccurring theme, I know. I know any other day we could have won the game three, four, or five because we had that many opportunities. I think there were an awful lot of positives to take from the game.”

On the team being upbeat despite not getting the win over the Galaxy…

“It always is when you get on the back of a result. Albeit only one point, we deserved three. I thought the performance at Seattle was very, very good. I actually think that we are probably going into the most in-form team [FC Dallas] in the league at this moment in time. They’ve got an awful lot of pace about their team. They’re obviously very, very confident at the moment. It’s going to be a really tough game as it normally is in Dallas.”

On what FC Dallas Head Coach Nico Estevez has done to get his team in top form…

“They’ve spent more money than they’ve done in the past; [Alan Velasco], etc. They’ve basically come up with a formula for that group and they are playing with an awful lot of confidence. I’ve said to you before that no matter what you do as a coach, there’s nothing like instilling confidence in a group of players and belief by results. Undefeated in nine tells you that. Great result last weekend against the Galaxy. They were very impressive, so it’s going to be a tough game for us. One thing that I know that their coach will have watched us the last couple of games and knows that if they don’t perform at the level they have been doing, we are more than capable of going there and winning.”

On what he expects to see from FC Dallas…

“Like everybody else, obviously the Open Cup games are coming up during in the week and we’re at that stage now where we’re not far away from getting to the sharp end of that tournament. I don’t know what they’ll do, but they’ve obviously got a lot of depth because their academy just keeps producing players for them. I don’t know who they’ll play but I do know how they’ll play and they’ll be very, very enthusiastic. They’ll be very, very direct and full of running because that’s the way they play.”

On how to get the better of FC Dallas…

“Don’t give anything away. Don’t let them get ahead of steam by giving them something early on. Stay in the game as long as we can and then play our football. If we play like we can, we can cause any team in this league problems.”

Defender DJ Taylor

On how he feels physically after the Galaxy match…

“Definitely physically tired. A little drained, but I know the work doesn’t stop there so I’m just getting my body ready for the next game.”

On feeling if he knew a goal was going to come against the Galaxy…

“You always have to believe. No matter what happens in the game, always believe. Anything can change in one second and luckily it did there at the end for us to get a point. Still disappointed not getting three, but I think we take it in stride and keep going.”

On his feelings going forward to contribute to the offense…

“I think it’s great. I talk to Gaf [Head Coach Adrian Heath] about it a lot. He’s always saying play positive, look forward, run forward, and he tells me that’s exactly what I did and that’s how I’m going to produce results. Just got to keeping working on that and remember not to play backwards at all.”

On the defensive challenges he’ll face against FC Dallas…

“As a team we’re doing very good. Even against LA we defended very well. Obviously, Dallas has very good wingers as well so it’s all about our one-v-one defending and keeping our good shape. I think we just take it in stride. As long as we stick together, stay together, are very communicative, we’ll get the result.”

On the defense handling Jesus Ferreira…

“It’s about almost trying to deny the ball into him sometimes, but also just being aware that he is a smart player. We know what he can do and covering the guy who is marking him so there’s always cover so nobody is left stranded out on an island when they are defending.”

On what Wil Trapp and Kervin Arriaga need to do against FC Dallas…

“I think the last match was incredible. They ran so much, they defended so much. It worked out for us to get the result and I’m glad. They have to do the same thing this game. Gaf [Head Coach Adrian Heath] trusts them and they’re going to get the job done and we trust them. It shows in the game when they step up and they crunch the tackles.”