
Mental Health is Health

Mental health is for everybody. Each one of us has areas where we are thriving and areas where we are struggling when it comes to our mental health. That’s why Minnesota United is once again partnering with organizations like Allina Health, RECLAIM, NAMI Minnesota and others to provide useful tips and resources that can help us take steps toward breaking the stigma surrounding this topic and continue working together to support our collective growth, wherever we are along the journey.



RECLAIM’s mission is to increase access to mental health care for queer and trans youth so they may reclaim their lives from oppression in all its forms. RECLAIM is one of the only organizations in Minnesota that offers financially accessible, specialized mental health care to queer and trans youth ages 12-25 and their families.

National Alliance of Mental Illness

National Alliance of Mental Illness

NAMI Minnesota champions justice, dignity, and respect for all people affected by mental illnesses. Through education, support, and advocacy, NAMI strives to effect positive changes in the mental health system and increase the public and professional understanding of mental illnesses.

Change to Chill

Change to Chill

Change to Chill is a free, award-winning, mental well-being resource offered by Allina Health. This tool provides online and printable tools and resources that help teens become more aware of what stress is, what causes it and how to manage it. It also provide resources for parents, educators and adults to positively impact the mental health of someone they care about.

(651) 645-2948 or 1-888-NAMI-HELPS

(651) 645-2948 or 1-888-NAMI-HELPS

The NAMI helpline answers thousands of calls each year from people seeking help for themselves or a loved one. While NAMI does not provide individual advocacy, it helps callers be the best advocates they can be. NAMI provides guidance to people who are trying to navigate the mental health system, identifies resources and treatment that can help and much more. Please note that this is not a crisis line. For crisis situations, please call 988.


Take Time For Your Mind

Sometimes caring for your mental health requires big, courageous steps, and sometimes it requires smaller, everyday steps. As we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month 2024, Minnesota United and Allina Health are partnering together to share some simple, everyday tips to help us prioritize mental well-being. We hope the following tips can be a useful tool in your toolbelt, as you look to support the health of yourself and those around you.

And for those times when you need more support, please, ask for help. In addition to the resources listed above, you can talk to your health care provider or call the Allina Health Mental Health and Addiction Connection line, 866-603-0016, for any mental health service, question or concern, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Three Tips to Help Break the Stigma

  1. Educate yourself and others – Take some time to learn more about these crucial topics. Did you know that one in four adults and one in five children experience a mental health condition at some point in their lives? Allina Health is one of many organizations that provides valuable resources you can use to learn more about this topic and how you can help.
  2. See the person, not the condition - Understand that at the core of any mental health condition is a human being who deserves dignity, respect and kindness. It’s important to treat people with mental health conditions with the same compassion as people with other illnesses. Always remember that people are so much more than their diagnosis.
  3. Choose language carefully and consider its effects - Avoid using mental health conditions as adjectives to describe your emotions, like "I am feeling schizophrenic," or "My OCD is acting up." Avoid words like "crazy," "nuts" or "psycho." You may think using these terms to describe behavior that seems odd, eccentric or strange is harmless, but it can be damaging to the self-esteem of those experiencing real mental health conditions and perpetuates the stigma that keeps individuals from taking the action they need to get help.

Four Tips to Prioritize Your Young Athletes’ Mental Health

  1. Set realistic expectations -- Pre-game jitters are normal for any athlete. Performance anxiety is more severe and can last beyond the final buzzer. Lofty expectations can worsen a young athlete’s anxiety, hurt their self-esteem and increase their risk of developing long-term mental health conditions. Make sure to focus more on your young athlete’s strengths instead of weaknesses and remind them it’s okay to make mistakes.
  2. Encourage an open conversation - Address any negative behavioral changes as soon as possible. Ask questions such as, “Did you have fun playing today?” or “What do you like about your teammates?” If your child has concerns, encourage open conversations.
  3. Take a Break - Youth sports burnout is often brought on by overtraining, a lack of recovery time and chronic stress. Burnout can cause fatigue, loss of interest in playing sports, injuries, and hurt athletic and academic performance. Encourage your athlete to take a break every once in a while.
  4. Talk with their health care provider - A yearly well-child exam or sports physical can help prepare your athlete for youth sports and prevent injuries. It’s also a good time to talk about your athlete’s mental health.

Five Everyday Tips to Promote Your Mental Health

  1. Take care of your body - Exercise is one of the most effective treatments for depression and anxiety. Treating your body with appropriate nutrients and being active will reduce stress hormones, increase monoamines to improve your mood, and provide you with energy.
  2. Feed your soul - Engage in activities that you are good at and enjoy to boost your confidence and bring laughter to your day. Laughter decreases stress hormone and increases endorphins.
  3. Foster good friendships - Be mindful of your relationships. Develop a supportive social network and surround yourself with positive people who enjoy and appreciate you as healthy relationships are essential for emotional health.
  4. Embrace your emotions - Emotions are our best informants and motivators, letting us know what is and is not healthy in our lives and prompting change. Keeping feelings trapped inside, hidden, disguised, or denied generates internal tension and confusion.
  5. The Platinum rule – Be good to yourself. Remember to treat yourself with the same compassion, thoughtfulness and forgiveness as you do with others.