Community News

ACES students watch MNUFC

Minnesota United hosted students from ACES (Athletes Committed to Educating Students) at the National Sports Center for the team’s training session on Friday. The group represented the afterschool programming at Linwood Monroe Middle School.

All of the students were participants in ACES’ e-mentoring program, and were partnered with various staff members from MNUFC. The pairs spent 10 weeks corresponding via email about topics ranging from leadership to goal setting, and what the students were learning in ACES that week.

At the National Sports Center, mentors met their mentees in person for the first time. The group played games, watched MNUFC's training session and met the team after training finished.

“The partnerships that ACES establishes with sports teams are an integral part of what we do,” said Christina Saunders, Executive Director of ACES. “The e-mentoring program is a great way to engage front office staff from the teams and connect them with ACES youth. It’s amazing to see the connections that mentors and mentees form and the presence of incredible role models for kids in our programs. Our annual event, ACES’ All-Star Evening, is on Thursday, May 10 and it’s a great way to learn more about ACES and support our programs!”

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ACES students watch MNUFC -
ACES students watch MNUFC -