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T'was World Cup's Eve


T’was World Cup’s Eve
And all through the land
Every person was restless
From their toes to their hands

They excitedly waited 
For the games to begin
Barely reigning in their cheers
And their pleas for a win

France arrived tall and proud 
Having claimed the last cup
But 31 countries
Sat sizing them up

Will the victor be big?
An expected result
Or will the victor be small?
An underdog revolt

Ghana wants revenge
For Suarez’s hands
While Messi and Ronaldo
Prepare their last dance

The records of Pele
May be broken this year
The rise of Neymar
Gives Brazil reason to cheer

Spain’s Tiki Taka
Ebbing and Flowing
Netherlands’ Total Fútbol 
Who knows where they’re going?

Each nation has a strategy
Which one is best?
The teams will storm the pitch
To put them to the test

The players in Qatar
And the fans at home
Will take a calming breath tonight
To settle in the zone

So alter your sleep schedules
And grab your caffeine
For there are sixty-four games
That demand to be seen

The night before World Cup
Excitement sweeps every land
Through countries and borders
And Billions and Billions of fans