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Storylines | The Hondurans Are Having a Moment


Catracho a Catracho.

In Honduras, the slang term “catracho” translates to being “of Honduras.” It represents a sense of national identity and pride. Following Wednesday’s 2-2 draw with the LA Galaxy, a match in which he headed in the late equalizer off of Joseph Rosales’ beauty of a corner, midfielder Kervin Arriaga spoke on just how special it is to find that kind of connection amongst countrymen.

“Yes, it’s the unity [between us]. From the moment I got to the club, I was welcomed. He [Rosales] is the one who taught me the ways of the club. We have formed a beautiful alliance both as Hondurans, but also as teammates.”

Of all the storylines that have materialized since Chief Soccer Officer Khaled El-Ahmad and Head Coach Eric Ramsay’s arrival in Minnesota, the beautiful alliance between the two Hondurans has been one of the most exciting. Beyond their connection to their home country, both Joseph Rosales and Kervin Arriaga have made incredible strides in terms of their individual development. And, for the club, each player’s development has played an impactful role in the Loons’ success during the first half of this season.

In past seasons, both Rosales and Arriaga have shown flashes of their immense potential, but seeing each carve out a role for themselves amongst the Loons’ starting XI has been beyond encouraging. While there are certainly differences between each player’s style of play, the biggest benefit of the Hondurans’ emergence is their end-to-end versatility. In the case of Rosales, who had seen solid minutes prior to Ramsay’s arrival, he has evolved into one of the club’s most reliable playmakers. Whether it be his ability to operate in close quarters or his accuracy when making a well-placed service from the wing, Rosales’ impact hasn’t only been noticed by the Loons’ faithful, but also league-wide, as he has earned a spot in the MLS Team of the Matchday on three occasions in 2024.

Arriaga’s ascension to the starting XI has progressed as the season has gone along with Ramsay at the helm. Following a 2023 campaign in which injury would prevent him from getting more time to gel with the starting XI, the 26-year-old has made the most of his 2024 opportunities, and his versatility has served as a driving force in the Loons’ effectiveness in becoming more aggressive on the attack, as well as in holding the line defensively. As Coach Ramsay would say after Wednesday’s match with the Galaxy, Arriaga’s quality has been just as important to the recent run of positive results.

“He [Arriaga] has done really well. I’ve said it repeatedly, he’s got a lot of qualities. He’s got the qualities on the ball of a midfield player and the athletic qualities of a centerback which is a really good set of traits for us to work with. We’ll try to continue to utilize his flexibility, and he’s certainly been one of the stronger performers over the course of this little run that we’re on at the moment. He gives us an awful lot. I’m really pleased we’ve managed to get him going and playing with some real consistency.”

And, on behalf of the Legion of Loons, allow me to take this opportunity to thank the country of Honduras in advance of the boys getting into the bulk of the 2024 schedule. This “Catracho para Catracho” situation looks like it's only going to grow stronger as the season goes on.