Earth Day Activities

MNUFC Cleanup

Minnesota United made sustainability a priority when it came to working with Populous and Mortenson on the design of our home, Allianz Field, and we think it’s important for everyone to consider ways they can be better environmental stewards in their own homes.

With so many of us spending more time in our houses now, Earth Day is maybe more than ever a good time to think about how we can keep the planet green for ourselves and future generations. Here are a few activities for your Earth Day to get things rolling.

Neighborhood Cleanup
Go for a 20-minute walk in your neighborhood and pick up waste! Remember to bring two bags, one for trash and one for recyclables.

Plant a Garden Outside
Growing your own food can help benefit the environment (reduces pollution, carbon footprint, and results in cleaner groundwater) and it’s not as complicated as you might think. Click here to get started.

Even if you don’t have space outside to plant a garden, you can grow food from food scraps indoors, including lettuce, green onions, celery, lemongrass and bean sprouts. Click here for more info.

Do Some Yardwork
Follow this handy guide for planting flowers that will attract honey bees. Bees are an essential part of our natural ecosystem. It’s also important to dispose of your yard waste properly and many facilities that accept it remain open in both Minneapolis and Ramsey county.

Watch What You Eat
Eating a plant-based diet one day a week can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The average household also wastes around 30% of the food it buys, so make the most of what you get from the store and eat those leftovers.

Reduce Your Plastic Use
Stop drinking bottled water and bring a reusable water bottle with you. The average American consumes 167 bottles of water per year! You can also cut down on plastic by swapping out items that are normally plastic: coffee cups, toothbrushes, straws, food wraps.

Save Energy
This begins with something simple that your kids probably don’t do: turn off your lights when you leave the room. But you can also take further steps like unplugging unused electronics and replacing standard lightbulbs with LED lights.

If You Can’t Get Outside
One of the best ways to get in touch with nature is to get out and into it, but at times like these, we know that’s not always possible. You can, however, take a virtual tour at a National Park right here.