Allianz Field offers several nearby parking lots on gamedays that come complete with real-life parking spots! Fans can reserve their parking in advance by purchasing through up to 3 hours prior to kickoff. Or, fans can purchase directly at the lots via cash or credit beginning when lots open, generally two-and-a-half hours prior to kickoff. Check out the map of nearby lots below to plan out your route to the game.

Find a Spot Near Allianz Field
Find a Spot Near Allianz Field
MNUFC Matchday Parking Map
MNUFC Matchday Parking Map

Have accessibility needs? We recommend purchasing a parking pass in the Cub Foods Lot. Additionally, the Allianz Field ADA drop off is located on the east side of the stadium accessed from Pascal and Central. If you are unable to find what you’re looking for, give us a call at 763.4SOCCER or email us at and we’ll do our best to help accommodate your needs based on availability.